This week’s Question of the Week is : If your fairy fat mother appeared and granted you one wish for Any existing new fat-bike – available right now – – which fat-bike would you ask for?
If you don’t believe in gnomes, sprites, elves, trolls or fairies, you can trade in your fairy fat mother for “If you just won the lottery, what fat-bike would you go buy tomorrow?”
So Many Ways to Answer!
#1 – Call into the radio program and give us your answer. We’d really enjoy talking to you! Call in and answer the question of the week and maybe chew the fat with Sven, J.K. and/or Uncle Gomez. You can be part of the show, by calling us on Wednesday Evening between 8:00 and 9:00 PM (CDST). Our Studio Phone Number is 818-918-2453
#2 – If you can’t call on Wednesday evening, you can call 818-918-2453 at any other time and leave us your answer in a message. We’ll play the best messages during the show.
#3 – You can Tweet your answer to us @fatbikedotcom and we’ll read the best tweets during the show.
If you want to be entered to win some sweet schwag, leave us a way to get in touch with you. We’ll pick one Caller or Tweet each week and send you out a prize! I think we have hats, shot glasses, shirts, a hoodie and stickers in play right now.
CALL – 818-918-2453 or Tweet @fatbikedotcom